Should you take a break from exercise?
Shot of a young woman holding a remote control while sitting on the sofa at home

Should you take a break from exercise?

While exercising consistently is important for building endurance, conditioning your body and losing weight, there almost always comes a time when you have to take a break.   Taking a…

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Snacking — Healthy or Unhealthy?
Mother and adorable little daughter sitting together at a kitchen counter at home and eating slices of watermelon

Snacking — Healthy or Unhealthy?

Is snacking healthy? You are aware of snacking, right? Do you know if its good or bad for you? There are actually both good and bad opinion about snacking. According…

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What Are the Benefits of Interval Training?
Cropped shot of a young woman working out with a barbell at the gym

What Are the Benefits of Interval Training?

Are you pressed for time? Are you interested in improving your aerobic capacity and exercise performance in less than one-fifth the time of traditional endurance training? If so, then interval…

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